Dr. Sanjib Banerjee is an Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai. He is currently associated with the Department of Chemistry and Dept. of Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering at IIT Bhilai. He leads the "PHES Lab" at IIT Bhilai. His research group is working on the development of innovative materials as key elements for healthcare, sustainability, and energy applications. He is the author/coauthor of 72 peer-reviewed journal publications and 9 book chapters. He is also the (co)inventor of 5 patents. Dr. Banerjee has been the PI on over 7.3 Cr INR of funding in the past 7 years and his work has been recognized through multiple awards, including the SERB-Early Career Research Award 2019, SERB-Ramanujan Fellowship 2016, RSC-Molecular Systems Design & Engineering Outstanding Reviewer 2019, RSC-Polymer Chemistry Emerging Investigator-2020, Wiley-Next Generation of Polymer Researchers-2022, Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI)-Bronze Medal for the year 2024 and RSC-Polymer Chemistry Pioneering Investigators-2025, among others. He served as an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Chemistry journal from Feb, 2022 to Feb, 2024. Since, Feb, 2024 and Head of the Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Bhilai from Aug, 2020 till Aug 2024. Since, Feb, 2024, he has been an Editor of Elsevier-Materials Today Communications Journal.​
​Publication Summary
​​h-index: 27; i10-Index 50; Citations 1652
Journal articles: 73; Book Chapters: 9
Patents from IIT Bhilai: 5 filed, 3 granted (as on 02-Feb-2025)
Citations in the last five years with a mean journal impact factor of 6.58
>40 invited talks at conferences, universities, and research institutes
​​ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sanjib-Banerjee-2
GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=2ax6JwwAAAAJ
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4841-4408
Publon: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/AAM-6718-2020
Researcher ID: G-6943-2011 ​
Research Guidance:
​PhD Thesis: 4 completed, 11 ongoing
MSc Thesis: 2 completed, 1 ongoing
R&D Project Students: 2 completed, 4 ongoing
Other short-term research students: 11 completed
Externally funded R&D Projects
As Principal Investigator: Completed - 3; total project value – INR 83,28,240
As Principal Investigator: Ongoing - 2; total project value – INR 6,50,81,198
As Co-Principal Investigator: Completed - 1; total project value – INR 1,38,00,000